Monday, March 23, 2009

Before Your Wedding Dress Preservation - Keep your dress in good shape

The big day has come... and gone. You are now a married woman. The wedding was perfect and the honeymoon superb. Now you are home and your dress is hanging in the closet. But what about the dress? Should you shove it in a corner of your closet? Or find somewhere else to stash it? What are the possible problems this could cause?

Getting your wedding dress cleaned and preserved is not always high on a new bride's to-do list. A lot of people over look it. Overlooking this important step can cause your dress to discolor, attract moths, or worse. You spent a lot of money on the perfect wedding dress, you want to keep it in great shape for the future!

After the wedding, you may put off getting your dress cleaned and preserved. The biggest reason this is a bad idea is that stains may oxidize. Not all stains are immediately visible. The hem may be dirty, or liquids spilled on the dress may dry clear. The problem with this is that, in the future, the stains may darken and because of the oxidation, become harder to clean.

If you are leaving your dress in the plastic dress bag that you think was to help preserve it, it could make things worse. Have you ever seen a yellowed wedding dress? This happens because of the fumes that plastic gives off. Once the dress is yellowed from the plastic, it can be extremely hard, if not impossible, to fix.

In the past, a popular way to preserve a wedding dress was to vacuum pack it into a box. Eventually it was found that this was a very bad idea, as once you take the dress out, the crease from it being in a box can be permanent, if the dress even opens correctly. Today, we know better.

When storing your wedding dress before preservation, keep a few things in mind. First, fabric, like paper, has a tendency to weaken where it is folded. Creases in fabric can become permanent, even if not vacuum sealed. Also, it makes the cloth more susceptible to tears.

Make sure if you are not able to immediately preserve your wedding dress that you do frequent checks on it. Make sure there aren't any stains that are starting to oxidize. Check the hem for any missed stains or smudges. The quicker you find a problem, the easier it is to fix.

Make sure the dress is in a dry spot. If you have it hanging in a closet, keep it away from any possible leaky areas. If you did have to put it in a box, make sure to keep the box tightly sealed and away from any flood areas (such as a basement). Mold and mildew are a huge problem when it comes to your wedding dress preservation.

In short, keep your wedding dress in a cool, dry spot and as wrinkle free as possible.

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